1. Death Status of Beneficiaries

Trusts and Pension Funds that pay Beneficiaries monthly need to do a Death Status Check before running the monthly Payroll

2. Verification of Bank Accounts

When Beneficiaries or Suppliers provide bank accounts for direct transfers these need to be verified before been loaded onto the payment system

3. Pension Funds – Minimum Member Data Regulatory Requirement

With the consolidation of companies and Funds, Member Data has been lost, but there is a Regulatory requirement for the Fund Administrator to have certain Member Details

4. FICA and RICA Regulatory Requirement

Any Business that has to conform to either FICA and or RICA has to conform to these minimum requirements. Getting the data and keeping it up to date is difficult and expensive

5. Patient Authentication Medical Aid Requirement

Doctors, Hospitals, Specialists, Path Labs, Radiographers all need to be able to authenticate a Patient before consultation